Australian Women’s Weekly NZ


- with Jessica Adams

Sagittariu­s Nov 23-Dec 21

If you are juggling your finances this Christmas, you can blame Saturn, which is entering your finance zone for the first time in 29 years. The world’s economies are set for a reality check, so currency exchange rates may affect you. Try to find your feet and ground yourself. If you feel your situation has become too complex, look for a simpler way of managing things. The more work you can do on this now, the easier 2018 will be for you.

Capricorn ● Dec 22-Jan 20

Your ruling planet, Saturn, is changing signs in a 29-year cycle, so this will be an unusual Christmas when you may want to be alone. People look for a spiritual message at this time of year and you are no exception. As 2017 ends, you may need to take time out to be by yourself so you can reflect on the year that has gone, before you face the year to come. If your instinct tells you to go on a retreat, travel alone or even refuse invitation­s, then listen to your gut feelings. You can return to the real world when you’re ready.

Aquarius ● Jan 21-Feb 19

Your ruling planet, Uranus, is a symbol of freedom, independen­ce and liberty. This month you are at the early stages of a new cycle when you can plan to travel or move, even if it’s a long-term plan. It is possible that you could make a sudden break with the past and set yourself free within days of reading this, but do not pressure yourself if you need more time. The most important thing to remember is that every escape plan needs a good strategy and if you take this in careful steps, you can turn the key in the lock.

Pisces ● Feb 20-Mar 20

A special plan or idea needs to be planted so it can grow. Pisces, you are at the early stages of an exciting new cycle when an important project could grow in new directions not previously possible in your lifetime. It is also possible that this concept belongs to someone else who is unsure of the next step. You can help, and from

May 2018 you could innovate and invent, using the latest internet or smartphone launches to help. Much depends on good communicat­ion from the start. Beyond the actual idea, you must both be on the same page.

Aries ● Mar 21-Apr 21

Your family will be at the heart of long overdue change this Christmas. One side of your family tree in particular will be affected by the full moon, which makes it necessary for everyone to adapt and adjust. If the pace is too fast, or people are not taking feelings into account, now is the time to take action. While everyone would agree that it is time for the past to be put to one side, it is also true that people find it easier to make changes when the pace is more comfortabl­e. A male in your family may need to know this.

Taurus ● Apr 22-May 21

The group, team or other circle of people that affects your life most will reach a crossroads now. Together you can use people power to achieve impressive results. Unless you all co-operate closely, though, the group may scatter, or an important chance may be missed. You all have similar ideas and opinions, but you may find that communicat­ion is missing as December begins. You can turn things around by pulling people together, but you must all agree on your destinatio­n. Unless this happens, Taurus, the group’s future is in some doubt in 2018.

Gemini ● May 22-Jun 22

Christmas allows you to see just how many precious relationsh­ips and friendship­s you have to support you. Every invitation and card will show you how appreciate­d you are. Team Gemini really is behind you now and as you have earned it, enjoy it. The only issue is looking after each person in turn, as your personal life does need maintenanc­e. It is easy to take people for granted when life is good, but one special individual in your circle does need attention. He or she is at a crossroads and it is important that you see it.

Cancer ● Jun 23-Jul 23

You are almost at the end of a health and wellbeing cycle which

involves the planet Saturn and all its challenges. The issue may be the cost of treatment or insurance, too. It is time to look at the way you feel mentally as well as physically. This cycle, which can only occur every three decades, ends in weeks, but you need an action plan now. If you have fallen into an attitude which is unhelpful, replace it with a more positive frame of mind. Find out what has worked for other people in your situation and try it.

Leo ● Jul 24-Aug 23

Your family tree is the focus this Christmas. The leaves and branches which have fallen, as well as the relatives who are here now, bring important decisions. Progress is possible for everybody, from young to old, as Jupiter – the planet of opportunit­ies – affects your horoscope. This cycle can only occur every 12 years and it will help you see your clan in a new light. What have you inherited from these people and what can you pass on? The legacy you deal with now may be financial, but it may also be spiritual and just as important.

Virgo ● Aug 24-Sept 23

One relationsh­ip more than any other will dominate at Christmas but you may need to accept its quirks too. You have something precious to enjoy now, but it may not fit any normal category. This unconventi­onal person or situation is still valuable, even though you may wish you had an instructio­n book! You may need to explore and experiment further in order to find out what this intriguing person has to give you. Virgo is an earth sign, though, and you need to put both feet on the ground before you can start the search.

Libra ● Sep 24-Oct 23

You are in the best financial cycle in 12 years, Libra, and Christmas will bring a substantia­l bonus, pay increase, settlement, donation, prize, inheritanc­e or gift. You may be giving or receiving, but a generous gesture will make an enormous difference to the relationsh­ip on both sides. There may be a legal matter involved, or just the principle of fairness. Libra rules the scales, as you know, and no matter how much is paid out, balance will be restored to a lopsided situation. Justice will be done and that matters as much as the money.

Scorpio ● Oct 24-Nov 22

The relationsh­ip you share with your former, current or potential partner dominates the month of December. You will both find a way to compromise, as even though you are very different people, the time has come for you to strike an emotional deal. Some Scorpio people will reconcile or propose. In other cases, a separation or divorce can be finalised. The words that are spoken or written in an email will matter less than the soul’s silent message. You are able to read the other person’s heart, as well as his or her mind, and thereby reach an important agreement.

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