Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

The importance of diet


WEIGHT LOSS ISN’T GENETIC A study from Stanford University in California has found that genes do not affect weight loss. This disproves years of speculatio­n that genetic make-up affects the efficacy of certain diets. Instead, researcher­s found the only thing that made a difference was pure healthy eating. Participan­ts who had the healthiest food habits, lost the most weight. AVOID ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS It is no secret that ultra-processed foods are no good for our health, but they may be more sinister than we once thought. Research published in the British Medical Journal has found those who eat more ultra-processed foods are at higher risk of developing cancer. If you are unsure what that includes, a simple rule is try to avoid food with unrecognis­able and unpronounc­eable ingredient­s.

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