Cambridge Edition

Trench misery recreated


He has had a long and successful acting career, including such titles as The Hobbit and Pork Pie, but today Dean O’Gorman wallows in mud.

The actor pulls a sledgehamm­er above his head and teenage boys watch as it comes smashing down on a pile of dirty bricks. The debris roll into mud pool oblivion and O’Gorman chuckles. The more mess, the better.

For the last 10 years, O’Gorman has been splitting his time between acting and photograph­y. This is another one of those photograph­y projects, involving recreating his own Passchenda­ele battlefiel­d next to Auckland Airport.

It follows on from a documentar­y in which O’Gorman investigat­es the 1917 Battle of Passchenda­ele. Records show 843 New Zealanders died within a few hours.

O’Gorman is now looking to recreate the scenes, in tribute. He has dug up a farm, a friend’s property near the airport. The trenches have become grotty, muddy pools and O’Gorman expects his mostly young models to get in them.

 ?? CHRIS SKELTON ?? Actor and photograph­er Dean O’Gorman.
CHRIS SKELTON Actor and photograph­er Dean O’Gorman.

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