


MAKES ABOUT 15 DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF YOUR MOULDS / PREPARATIO­N 15 MINUTES PLUS OVERNIGHT FREEZING / COOKING 5 MINUTES For the cover, we painstakin­gly froze layers to achieve those eyecatchin­g stripes. At home you can pour the mixture in layers without freezing in between, but the layers will meld more, which also looks and tastes great. Or you could just do two layers. You need to start making these two days ahead. ½ cup sugar 375ml coconut water

plus about 250ml extra 6 cardamom pods, crushed

with the back of a knife 2 teaspoons grated

fresh turmeric 300g frozen mango cubes 1 cup coconut yoghurt (I used Raglan coconut yoghurt)

Put the sugar, 375ml of coconut water and the cardamom pods in a saucepan and heat to just before the boil. Leave to cool (as it cools the syrup becomes infused with cardamom) then strain.

Pour half into a shallow tray such as a swiss-roll tin and freeze overnight. Refrigerat­e the other half.

Put the mango cubes into a food processor with the liquid syrup and pulse, then process to a smooth, icy puree adding extra coconut water to obtain a slushy texture. Set aside.

Put the coconut yoghurt into the food processor. Break up the frozen syrup and add to the yoghurt and process until smooth. Pour the two flavours into your ice block moulds (see above note about making the stripes) and freeze overnight.

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