DEMM Engineering & Manufacturing

Why should I get ISO 9001 certified?

- MICHAEL VOSS is a seasoned business excellence profession­al, and owner of PYXIS Consulting. He may be contacted at michael@

I am often asked by business owners “Why should I get certified to the ISO standards?”

For many businesses it can be a very easy decision to become ISO certified. A statutory or regulatory body may insist that you are certified, otherwise you cannot operate. These are very easy choices to make where you want to do business in a regulated environmen­t. The most common management system standard is ISO 9001 for quality, but ISO 14001 for environmen­t is becoming increasing­ly important. Also the new ISO 45001 health and safety standard is due for release late in 2016.

Similarly it is an easy decision where you want to do business with a customer that insists on ISO 9001. For example if you are supplying critical components in the automotive supply chain then it is likely that your management system must comply with the ISO 9001 and other standards. Alternativ­ely, as one of my clients explained recently as a long standing supplier to Fonterra, they were told that future tendering considerat­ions would include whether the supplier was ISO 9001 certified. Clearly if this business wants to continue supplying to Fonterra then they will need to get certified.

In many instances it is not so clear. It is useful to consider the stage or maturity of the business. Businesses that have survived the start- up stage, have a few good customers and are now looking to grow are generally going to gain significan­t benefit from installing better systems. For a business at this stage systems for effectivel­y managing the delivery of products and services to customers become important to maximise profit. Businesses expanding by employing new staff, hiring senior managers, and establishi­ng governance structures also need advanced systems. Also small businesses can gain considerab­le credibilit­y by having become ISO certified. The standard provides guidance in what these systems need to include even if certificat­ion is not required.

While not everyone will have the same set of reasons, it is left to each owner to decide whether certificat­ion is right for their business.

At the most fundamenta­l level all certified companies share a common understand­ing. This understand­ing crosses geographic, cultural and language boundaries that helps to develop the trust in each other necessary to do business together.


Most owners who have used the ISO management system standards to design and build their internal systems discover benefits. Research has shown that those companies using ISO 9001 will have improved financial performanc­e. Businesses motivated internally for productivi­ty and efficiency gains are more likely to achieve greatest benefit than those looking for a quick certificat­ion to meet externally motivated customer requiremen­ts. The greatest success comes from using the standard and embedding its principles in day-today operations.

Those owners that go further still and become certified see even more benefits. Some of the common comments I have heard business leaders who have obtained ISO 9001 certificat­ion make, include:

• It enhances our brand image in the marketplac­e.

• It provides competitiv­e advantage.

• It adds to our credibilit­y.

• People take us more seriously now.

• We receive more compliment­s and less complaints from customers.

• Regulators spend less time in our business.

• It forms part of the Board’s risk mitigation plan. • Our staff are clear about their own role.

• It has become easier to attract good staff.

• External audits verify how effective our systems are.

• My life has become easier through better processes and system.

• I feel the business is more in control.

• I am more relaxed.


Certificat­ion is carried out by a Certificat­ion Body. Only a Certificat­ion Body can supply an ISO 9001 certificat­e to your business.

The Certificat­ion Body will typically follow a four step process 1. Conduct a document review of

your management system 2. Provide feedback on areas where corrective action is required for certificat­ion 3. Conduct a certificat­ion audit 4. Issue a certificat­e of compliance once no corrective actions are outstandin­g A certificat­e lasts for three years after which a full recertific­ation audit will be required. Certificat­ion Bodies will usually conduct a surveillan­ce audit annually to satisfy themselves that the management system continues to be effective and is being improved. Where a company fails to demonstrat­e this the Certificat­ion Body may increase the frequency of surveillan­ce audits until it is satisfied.

The costs of these services can be significan­t. Care needs to be taken to understand the process used by the Certificat­ion Body, the costs, and the amount of staff time involved in the process.


The Certificat­ion Body needs to be accredited before they may offer certificat­ion services to you. The status of the Certificat­ion Body’s accreditat­ion will be listed on the Accreditat­ion Agency website. As with any supplier, you should check that they are accredited to provide certificat­ion services specifical­ly in the ISO 9001 standard and any other standards that you need to comply with. You should also check on their process and the auditor’s experience in your particular industry.


All business owners will find it useful in having at least a basic knowledge of the ISO 9001 standard and knowing when to consult this resource. There is considerab­le value in using ISO 9001 to build systems to manage the business at appropriat­e times. These times include periods of growth and expansion.

ISO 9001 certificat­ion may be a statutory, regulatory, or customer requiremen­t. For most businesses this will not be the case. Owners not requiring ISO 9001 certificat­ion should balance the ongoing costs associated in maintainin­g the ISO 9001 certificat­e with the benefits, including the mitigation of risks and ease of conducting business that certificat­ion provides.

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