DEMM Engineering & Manufacturing

Coatings & Corrosion Control


Using graphene as

an alternativ­e to toxic materials in anti- corrosion coatings is just one of the possible uses for a breakthrou­gh by CSIRO-led scientists in Australia, which means the world’s strongest material will become more commercial­ly viable.

Graphene is a carbon material that is one atom thick. Its thin compositio­n and high- conductivi­ty proves very useful in applicatio­ns ranging from miniaturis­ed electronic­s to biomedical devices. These highly sought-after properties also enable thinner wire connection­s; providing extensive benefits for computers, solar panels, batteries, sensors and other devices.

Until now, the high cost of graphene production has been the major roadblock in its commercial­isation. Previously, graphene was grown in a highly- controlled environmen­t with explosive compressed gases, long hours of operation at high temperatur­es, and extensive vacuum processing.

Now the scientists have developed a novel “GraphAir” technology which eliminates the need for such a highly- controlled environmen­t. The technology grows graphene film in ambient air with a natural precursor, making it s production faster and simpler.

“This ambient- air process for graphene fabricatio­n is fast, simple, safe, potentiall­y scalable, and integratio­n- friendly,” said CSIRO scientist Dr Zhao Jun Han, co- author of a paper published in Nature

Communicat­ions said. “Our unique technology is expected to greatly reduce the cost of graphene production and drasticall­y improve the uptake of graphene in new applicatio­ns.”

GraphAir transforms soybean oil – a renewable, natural material – into functional and highly controlled graphene films in a single step.

“Our GraphAir technology results in good and transforma­ble graphene properties, comparable to graphene made by convention­al methods,” said CSIRO scientist Dr Dong Han Seo, co-author of the study.

Soybean oil, with heat, breaks down into a range of carbon building units that are essential for the synthesis of graphene.

The team also transforme­d other t ypes of renewable and even waste oil groups, such as those left over from barbecues or cooking, into low- cost graphene films.

“We can now recycle waste oils that would have otherwise been discarded and transform them into something useful,” Dr Seo added.

The potential applicatio­ns of graphene are vast, such as water filtration and purificati­on, renewable energy, sensors, personalis­ed healthcare and medicine, to name a few.

Graphene has excellent electronic, mechanical, thermal and optical properties as well. Its uses therefore range from improving battery performanc­e in energy devices, to cheaper solar panels and new water purificati­on methods.

CSIRO is looking to partner with industry to find new uses for graphene in replacing expensive gold or platinum in the photovolta­ic layer of solar cells with graphene, such as anti- corrosion coatings as well as the ability to make solar panels more cheaply and prolonging battery life in energy devices through graphene’s excellent chemical stability.

Researcher­s from The University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and The Queensland University of Technology also contribute­d to the work.

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