Herbs & Superfoods



Calendula salve is an all-purpose balm that’s great for a variety of skin issues. All salves are made this way, so change the oils and essential oils as you wish.

Lavender oil is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, so it’s ideal for including in salves.

Ingredient­s • 15g beeswax, roughly chopped or grated • 100ml calendula-infused oil • 10-20 drops of lavender essential oil (or another essential oil depending on your preferred scent)

Place beeswax and calendula oil in a double boiler and heat on low until the beeswax is melted. At this stage you can check the consistenc­y. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture onto a saucer and place in the freezer for 1-2 minutes, until it cools. Remove from the freezer. For a thicker consistenc­y, add more beeswax. For a softer consistenc­y, add more oil.

Once you have it at your desired consistenc­y, remove from the heat and add the lavender essential oil. Pour into small, clean, dry jars or tins. Allow to cool completely before screwing on the caps. Store in a cool, dark cupboard.

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