Herbs & Superfoods



Both aloe vera and nettle leaf are soothing to the skin, and are frequently used in natural skincare. Nettle leaf is ideal for treating acne and other skin blemishes, and for relieving scalp problems which lead to dandruff. It’s astringent, anti-inflammato­ry and antibacter­icidal, among other things. Aloe vera is also anti-inflammato­ry and very soothing on the skin.

Ingredient­s • 250g glycerine soap base • 2 tablespoon­s crushed, dried nettle leaf • 1/8 cup aloe vera gel

First, melt the glycerine soap base, then allow a bit of time for it to cool slightly. Put in the aloe vera gel and nettle leaves. Mix all the ingredient­s together, then pour into moulds.

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