Herbs & Superfoods

Perfumes, air fresheners & SCENTED GIFTS

Making your own gifts this year? Share your herbal love with your friends and family. Make perfumes, natural air fresheners and both relaxing and uplifting soaps and bath salts.


Scented rocks

For a modern alternativ­e to potpourri, try these fragrant ‘rocks’. Mix together ½ cup plain flour and ½ cup salt. Add 2/3 cup hot water and ¼ teaspoon of your favourite essential oil, and mix well. Add food colouring, if desired. Shape into ‘rocks’ and allow to dry. Place in a shallow bowl and use to scent a room.

Herbal bath milk

This relaxing and skin-softening blend will have you purring with content.

Ingredient­s • 2 cups milk powder • 1 cup cornflour • ½ cup dried herbs

Mix together milk powder and cornflour and place in blender. Add dry herbs and blend until smooth. Add ½ cup to your bathwater.

Shower wash bag

This makes a pleasant shower scrub. Use peppermint or eucalyptus if you want a more invigorati­ng scent. Use in the shower when there is no time for a soak in the bath.

Ingredient­s • ½ cup oatmeal • ½ cup dried herbs (such as lavender, rose petals, mint) • ¼ cup grated castile soap

Place ingredient­s in a cotton bag and use as a washcloth.

Bathroom air freshener

Scent and disinfect your bathroom with this fragrant air freshener. Keep it beside the toilet and use in place of commercial sprays.

Ingredient­s • 500ml distilled water • 12 drops lavender essential oil • 12 drops bergamot essential oil • 12 drops lemongrass essential oil • 6 drops sage essential oil • 6 drops thyme essential oil • 6 drops cinnamon essential oil

Fill a pump-spray bottle with 500ml of distilled water, then add the essential oils. Shake before use.

DIY reed air freshener

Reuse an old diffuser bottle, or find a suitable glass container with a narrow neck and of a height where the sticks are twice as tall as the container. Use new reed (bamboo) sticks as old ones may become oversatura­ted with oil and lose their effectiven­ess.

Ingredient­s • ½ cup carrier oil (such as sweet almond or olive oil) • 10 drops of your choice of essential oil • glass bottle • bamboo skewers

Pour carrier oil into your container. Add essential oil and stir. Add bamboo skewers and leave for an hour. After an hour, flip the reeds over so the saturated ends are exposed. Then flip the skewers every day or every second day.

Chocolate-scented soap

Make this delicious smelling soap for special gifts.

Ingredient­s • 350g grated soap • 150ml water • ¼ cup cocoa powder • ¾ teaspoon chocolate fragrance oil

Place soap and water in a saucepan over medium heat. When the soap has melted, add the cocoa powder and chocolate fragrance. Stir to combine, then pour into molds and allow to set.

Uplifting bath salts

These make great gifts, or use them yourself for a pick-me-up.

Ingredient­s • 1 cup Epsom salts • 1 tablespoon baking soda • 3 drops lavender essential oil • 3 drops rose geranium essential oil • 3 drops bergamot essential oil • 2 drops frankincen­se essential oil • purple or pink food colouring (optional)

Combine the Epsom salts and baking soda. In a separate bowl, mix together the oils. Pour the oils and food colouring into the salts and mix well to combine. Store in a glass jar.

Quick & easy passion perfume

Ingredient­s • 300ml vodka • 3 drops passionflo­wer oil • 3 drops neroli essential oil • 2 drops ylang ylang essential oil

Pour vodka into a jar. Add the oils and shake well. Leave for 1-2 weeks before using.

Romantic mood enhancer Get into

the mood with this sultry fragrance. Place a couple of drops of jasmine, ylang ylang or patchouli on a light bulb in your room to set the mood. When the light is turned on, the heat will disperse the scent. These oils are considered aphrodisia­cs.

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