Kapi-Mana News

Parking first, please


As a resident in a street very close to Ascot Park, I have a question for the big Walla Wallas who are planning to put this synthetic field in here.

Have they included in this big plan a multi-storeyed parking building to be erected where the current car park is? I ask this question, as, trust me, the parking facilities are completely inadequate for the existing park; let alone when this new one is built, which according to you people will bring far more activity to Ascot Park.

At present any large event held on Ascot Park is held at the expense of the residents in the surroundin­g streets. People visiting our park arriving in vehicles park on corners, berms, half over driveways and even on councilown­ed and maintained grassed areas.

Conclusion St, which the park fronts on to, is a main bus route and when vehicles are parked bumper-to-bumper on both sides of the street it turns into one lane with nowhere to go if confronted by oncoming traffic.

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