Manawatu Guardian

Education wa¯nanga points to challenges


with ADRIAN RURAWHE Te Tai Haua¯ uru MP

I am proud to be part of a Government that is delivering for education in the Knowledge City.

Ma¯ ori have responded strongly to Labour’s focus on the big issues affecting New Zealanders — housing, health and education.

So I want to thank those who attended the Ma¯ ori Education wa¯ nanga in Palmerston North last week, and made their voices heard on the challenges and opportunit­ies that lie ahead of us in guiding local rangatahi Ma¯ ori from learning to earning.

The actions resulting from this hui will benefit from our commitment to support Ma¯ ori medium schools and lift the achievemen­t of our tamariki and rangatahi.

The recent investment of $20 million into a permanent new site for Manukura, will, after years of waiting, finally bring stability to many students and their wha¯ nau.

By equipping Manukura to face rising class sizes, we provide secure modern learning environmen­ts young Ma¯ ori can use as a springboar­d to reach their potential.

It is by working in partnershi­p this Government is revitalisi­ng our regions. By encouragin­g everyone to be a part of manaakitan­ga and the change they want to see.

I acknowledg­e Rangitı¯kei College going fees free for Year 9 students, to help ease the financial burden on wha¯ nau.

That is an incredible investment in our people and our region’s future.

I am adamant, income should never limit the ability of the people of Te Tai Haua¯ uru to discover the skills they need to reach their dreams.

Let’s stop ‘Education’ being associated with overdrafts and loans, and restore it as a kupu that represents opportunit­y and potential.

This Government is rolling up our sleeves and taking action by raising student allowances and living costs, providing winter energy / best start payments, free tertiary study opportunit­ies, and bringing back paid apprentice­ships through Mana in Mahi, with more announceme­nts that will make a genuine difference ahead.

I have enjoyed seeing our community embrace Te Wiki o te reo Ma¯ ori, and encourage everyone to keep that momentum of discovery building.

Recently, the bill to fairly give our dedicated Ma¯ ori seats in Parliament the same protection­s as the general seats, passed its first reading. A bill by my colleague, Rino Tirikatene, I hope you will have your say on this issue, when public submission­s open.

Finally, it is exciting to see so many Morehu getting excited about Te Waru o Noema Centenary. I personally can’t wait.

Take care of each other wha¯ nau.

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