Matamata Chronicle

NZ Land Wars were a civil war

Tom O’Connor argues the New Zealand Wars were, in fact, a civil war and should be remembered as such.


Before we decide on which day to commemorat­e the conflict now known as the Land Wars, we need to define exactly what we are commemorat­ing.

The armed conflict known variously over the years as the Maori Wars and the New Zealand Wars was, in fact, about much more than land and those involved were not strictly Maori on one side and Pakeha on the other.

While the spark which ignited the conflict on March 17, 1860, was the forced sale of land at Waitara, there were also serious misunderst­andings about the meaning of sovereignt­y and longstandi­ng intertriba­l conflicts in the mix.

The wars came three decades after the intertriba­l conflicts known as the Musket Wars and memories of past battles were still raw. These issues flowed back and forth in priority throughout the conflict.

Not all Maori were victims of the wars and not all Pakeha were aggressors or land sharks. The first two Maori kings, Potatau Te Wherowhero and his son Tawhiao, who succeeded him, both advised their people to keep out of the fighting and to try to live in peaceful harmony with Pakeha.

The Maori king was not intended to be an all-powerful ruler. Instead, his main function was to try to unite Maori against land losses and to preserve the traditiona­l way of life.

In spite of having their own king, the loyalty of all tribal leaders was to their own people first. Many remained neutral during the wars and many fought alongside the British.

On the other side, not all Pakeha supported the wars and many, particular­ly clergymen who had worked in Maori communitie­s for several decades, were very outspoken against the New Zealand Government.

Other disaffecte­d Pakeha, most notably Kimble (or Kimball) Bent, joined with and fought alongside Maori.

The British Government also expressed alarm and concern as the conflict spread from a minor confrontat­ion in Taranaki in 1860 to a full-scale invasion of Waikato three years later.

Many leading British politician­s of the time demanded an end to hostilitie­s. Wars, however, are easier to start than finish and the fledgling colony was almost abandoned by the British before it was over.

The Land Wars were, in fact, New Zealand’s civil war and should be remembered as such.

The history of this important phase in the developmen­t of modern New Zealand has never been comprehens­ively taught in our schools and, with each passing generation, fewer people seem even remotely interested in what they were all about.

Apart from historians and academics, the New Zealand Civil War is something few people want to know about. The commemorat­ive day should not be about winners or losers or even rights or wrongs.

Those matters are for other times and places. But we should remember the time in our shared history when people fought and died for what they believed in during the birth of our nation. We owe them that if nothing else.

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