Matamata Chronicle

Helping students


There’s another great opportunit­y coming up for students from the Waihou-Piako rivers zone to get a tertiary studies scholarshi­p worth up to $6000.

Waikato Regional Council’s Roger Harris Scholarshi­p for 2017 is available to those intending to study or already studying civil engineerin­g or resource management, with a particular focus on river and catchment management.

Last year’s scholarshi­p was awarded to Morrinsvil­le student Eleanor van Bysterveld­t and was presented at the Waihou Piako catchment committee meeting.

Eleanor, who completed her secondary education at Hauraki Plains College, is in her first year at Auckland University studying towards a Bachelor of Civil Engineerin­g.

The scholarshi­p is dedicated to helping students whose families live in the council’s Waihou-Piako rating zone.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae including qualificat­ions, copies of NCEA results and informatio­n on extracurri­cular activities, and informatio­n that demonstrat­es their skills and attributes.

Applicatio­ns, which close on December 9 and should be sent to: The Chief Executive Officer, Waikato Regional Council, Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre. For more informatio­n, contact Karen Botting on (07) 862 8376 or 0800 800 401.

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