New Zealand Listener

Last week’s solutions. Logic Puzzle:


Auckland will be sunny on Tuesday with a 30 knot wind, Christchur­ch will have rain on Wednesday with a 10 knot wind and Dunedin will be overcast on Monday with a 20 knot wind. Scatterwor­d: PROPELLED, peopled, deplore, eloped, pedler, polled, lopped, elder, erode, loped, poled, older, doper, pored, roped, droll, deep, deer, reed, dell, dole, lode, dope, doer, rode, doll, plod, lord, drop, prod. 30 words. Permutate: BEGIN, BEGUN, BUGLE, BULGE, BLUEY, BULKY, CLUEY, LUCKY Clueless crossword:

 ??  ??

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