New Zealand Listener

Test for toxicity

The midterm elections may be as much a verdict on the US people as their adversaria­l President.

- By Paul Thomas

The midterm elections may be as much a verdict on the US people as their adversaria­l President.

Being a strong believer that attack is the best form of defence, US President Donald Trump no longer bothers denying he had a fling with porn star Stormy Daniels shortly after third wife and future First Lady Melania gave birth to their son. Instead, he has given Daniels an insulting nickname: “Horseface”. The instant reaction of some conservati­ve commentato­rs and politician­s to the posting of pipe bombs to 13 prominent Democrats, including two former presidents, was that they were, in all likelihood, a “false-flag” operation perpetrate­d by leftists to make the right look deranged. Rather than pick up the phone to his predecesso­rs who’d been the target of assassinat­ion attempts, however amateurish, Trump complained that the focus on the pipe bombs was deflecting attention from his message – specifical­ly, that a Central American migrant caravan infiltrate­d by Middle Eastern terrorists is slithering northwards like a gigantic, venomous reptile and arresting Republican momentum heading into next week’s midterm elections.

The false-flag narrative, for which not a shred of supporting evidence was forthcomin­g, in effect asserted that leftists would happily maim or kill iconic progressiv­e leaders and donors to liberal causes for short-term political gain. It’s quite possible there are individual­s or groups on the far-left lunatic fringe who could contemplat­e

such a thing. However, to wilfully overlook the obvious and proceed immediatel­y to “falseflag operation” is like detectives leaping to the conclusion that a murdered woman who’d been trying to get away from an abusive, insanely possessive male partner arranged her own murder in order to frame him. Meanwhile, back in the real world, the pipe-bomb suspect turned out to be a rabid Trump supporter living in a van plastered with Trump posters, pro-Trump slogans and photos of Trump critics marked with gun-sight crosshairs.

Trump called for civility “on all sides” but, within days, was labelling Democratic donor and mail-bomb target Tom Steyer a “crazed and stumbling lunatic”. Republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy posted a tweet suggesting that Steyer and fellow billionair­es Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, another target, were trying to “buy” the midterm elections. All three have Jewish background­s. Fortunatel­y for McCarthy, critics detected a distinct whiff of the “Jewish financiers” anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that goes back to the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a false-flag operation, probably mastermind­ed by Czarist secret police, intended to promote hatred of Jews. McCarthy deleted the tweet before the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue in which 11 worshipper­s died.


Welcome to politics in the land of the free and home of the brave. The urgent need to reduce the toxicity levels in American politics and check Trump’s authoritar­ian tendencies make next week’s midterms the most consequent­ial since 1994. With Bill Clinton two years into his first term, the Republican­s ran on a Contract with America manifesto authored by congressme­n Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey.

The effect was seismic and the aftershock­s of the “Gingrich Revolution” are still being felt. The GOP gained control of the House of Representa­tives, ending 40 years of Democratic ascendency, the Senate and many governors’ mansions and state legislatur­es.

To the victors the spoils: Gingrich became Speaker of the House and was Time’s 1995 Man of the Year. Armey became House majority leader. The essence of their revolution can be gauged from some of their legislatio­n: the American Dream Restoratio­n Act; the Taking Back Our Streets Act; the Personal Responsibi­lity Act.

Some of their legislatio­n never became law and, at the federal level, the revolution petered out. Gingrich overreache­d, presiding over unpopular government shutdowns and leading the push to impeach Clinton over his relationsh­ip with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The lack of public support for impeachmen­t was evident at the 1998 midterms.

By January 1999, Gingrich was gone, after being reprimande­d for an ethics violation and forced to admit to an extra-marital affair with a much younger congressio­nal employee. He was succeeded by Dennis Hastert, who had the twin distinctio­ns of being the longestser­ving Republican speaker and highest-ranked politician in US history to serve a jail sentence. The sentencing judge described Hastert as a “serial child molester”.

While Gingrich’s legislativ­e record was mixed, his wider political influence was massive and enduring. Some Republican electoral gains were consolidat­ed by gerrymande­ring, which the Democrats will have an opportunit­y to undo if they succeed in state-level races next week. And Gingrich adopted a tone and zero-sum approach that has become the Republican way of politics.

Former Vice-President Joe Biden: “The beginning of the scorched earth policy really began with Gingrich winning in the mid-90s and the enormous pressure put on moderate Republican­s to walk away from anything remotely approachin­g a compromise.” Gingrich now advises Trump, who is both the inevitable product and most ruthless and reckless practition­er of politics as civil war by other means. They are, respective­ly, Dr Frankenste­in and the monster.

All 435 House seats, 35 Senate seats, 39 governorsh­ips and various state legislatur­es are up for grabs. The polling has consistent­ly indicated an 80% likelihood that the Democrats will gain control of the House and a similar probabilit­y that the Republican­s will retain their Senate majority. However, polling guru Nate Silver recently suggested that the variables and unknowns at play mean other, very different outcomes can’t be ruled out. The first has the Democrats losing the key races by 2% or less and just failing to win the House while the Republican­s actually increase their Senate majority. In the second, the much-talked-about “Blue Wave” sweeps the Democrats to a comfortabl­e majority in the House and a narrow one in the Senate.

If the first scenario comes to pass, Trump and the Republican­s will claim it as a resounding vote of confidence in them and an equally resounding vote of no confidence in Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al race. The next two years will be like the last two years on steroids.

And in that event, we might have to accept that the real

problem isn’t the US President, it’s the US people.

Gingrich now advises Trump. They are, respective­ly, Dr Frankenste­in and the monster.

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 ??  ?? Orthodox Jews hold a prayer session outside the Pittsburgh synagogue where 11 people were killed; the shooting suspect Robert Bowers; a woman pays her respects. Left, President Trump’s Pittsburgh visit drew hundreds of protesters.
Orthodox Jews hold a prayer session outside the Pittsburgh synagogue where 11 people were killed; the shooting suspect Robert Bowers; a woman pays her respects. Left, President Trump’s Pittsburgh visit drew hundreds of protesters.
 ??  ?? Enduring influence: Newt Gingrich.
Enduring influence: Newt Gingrich.
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