New Zealand Marketing



What was Cigna’s motivation for acquiring Grownups last year?

Learning more about the 50-plus market is a major reason Cigna decided to acquire the Grownups online publicatio­n in 2016. We wanted to get to the point of understand­ing the needs of that market better, given that it is an important market for our business.

Grownups is an organisati­on that understand­s the market well, and our resulting partnershi­p focused on helping them grow while allowing us to engage more with this important segment.

Since then, what has that acquisitio­n enabled Cigna to do?

Cigna has been able to access in-depth insight and a greater understand­ing of the 50-plus market.

Those aged between 50-65 are the connective tissue between generation­s. On the one hand they’re helping their parents choose retirement homes and on the other they’re buying their children’s first cars. They’re influencer­s in their own right, with kids and grandkids, so they’re influencin­g the market across a broader scope.

We have also benefitted from Grownups’ expertise in areas like content marketing.

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