New Zealand Woman’s Weekly



When complete, the shaded letters will reveal a well- known film, TV, book or song title (see mystery clue below).

Be in to win – write your answer on the coupon on page 69.


17ac & 54ac & 26dn & 72dn. A well-known movie title (3,5,6,4)


1 Globe-shaped objects ( 7)

5 ____ it off – gets on well in

friendly, compatible way (4) 7 Smell terrible (4)

10 Person who takes place of

another as substitute (5-2) 15 Kingdom or domain (5)

16 HMS _____ – Captain Cook’s ship that features on New Zealand 50-cent coin (9)

17 See Mystery Clue 18 Contributi­on of work or informatio­n (5) 19 Children’s toy consisting of a reel with attached string (2-2)

20 Play video or audio file as it

downloads from internet (6)

22 Having fresh sharp taste (5)

24 Give publicity to ( 7)

25 Rule of _____ – broadly

correct practical principle (5)

27 Cosmetic preparatio­n used to darken the edges of eyelids (4)

29 Swept fingers across guitar strings (8) 32 Open space in a wooded

area (5)

34 Members of monarchy (6)

35 Region in central-eastern

part of the South Island (10)

36 Weeps loudly (4)

40 Clever and effective (5)

42 Genus of plants with showy,

daisy-like flowers (5)

43 Greater part or number (8)

46 Small benign growth on the

skin caused by virus (4)

48 Variety of curly-leafed

cabbage (4)

49 Trudges wearily (8)

52 Gun with a long barrel (5)

54 See Mystery Clue

56 Clarified butter used in

South Asian cookery (4)

57 See lower-left photo (6,4)

59 _____ van Beek, Kiwi actress, comedian and writer (6)

63 Finicky, hard to please (5) 65 Growing healthily and vigorously (8)

66 Dark greenish-blue colour (4)

67 Shows signs of tiredness, maybe (5)

69 This describes a type of rock that has solidified from lava or magma ( 7) 71 Small spray of leaves or flowers (5)

73 Strong expression of protest or disapprova­l (6)

75 Flat, round Indian bread cooked on griddle (4)

78 Large northern deer with flattened antlers (5)

79 Put on ___ – postpone or suspend (3)

80 Seemingly absurd or

contradict­ory statements (9)

82 _____ Curtis, New Zealand

film and TV actor (5)

83 Sequence of powerful

leaders from same family ( 7)

84 Skulk around furtively (4)

85 Burden or responsibi­lity (4)

86 Model of perfection ( 7)


1 Grumpy in sullen way (5) 2 Made to withstand very hard wear or use (5- 4) 3 _____ up – increase level or amount sharply (4)

4 ___ Bradford, Kiwi activist and former politician (3) 5 Boundary formed by row of closely planted shrubs (5) 6 Emotional shock often having long-lasting effects (6)

8 Lend an ___ – listen (3)

9 Pet name for cat (5)

10 See upper-right photo ( 7) 11 _____ acids – basic constituen­ts of proteins (5) 12 Document certifying successful completion of course of study ( 7) 13 Chatted casually (8)

14 ____ sell – subtle or mild persuasion (4)

21 Small mischievou­s child (4) 23 Small island in the south west Pacific Ocean near equator (5)

25 Mt _____ /Mt Egmont – volcanic mountain on west coast of North Island (8)

26 See Mystery Clue

28 Have a _____ – show pity or kindness (5) 30 Continuous rhythmic humming sound (5)

31 Head of city council (5) 32 Exclamatio­n of surprise (4) 33 Violent weather disturbanc­es (6) 37 Self-assertive in rude or overbearin­g way (5)

38 ____ trade – system involving equitable prices for producers in developing countries (4)

39 Selection of small items of food served before main meal (8)

41 Steal or pilfer (5)

44 _____ Wells, New Zealand

radio and TV host (6)

45 ____ the knot – got

married (4)

47 Scientific study of plants (6)

50 Bring upon yourself (5) 51 Gentle lustre of polished

surface (5)

53 Musical form with repeated

interwoven theme (5)

55 Openly resist or refuse to

obey (4)

58 Elevated body temperatur­e

due to illness (5)

60 Acting in subservien­t

manner (9)

61 Asserted confidentl­y (8)

62 Disparagin­g remark aimed at damaging someone's reputation (4)

64 Time in evening when

daylight fades ( 7)

65 Give evidence as witness

in law court ( 7)

68 _____ Shears – New Zealand annual sheep shearing contest establishe­d in 1961 (6)

70 Periods of play in cricket

match (5)

71 Undulating movement of

sea in rolling waves (5)

72 See Mystery Clue

74 Compulsory contributi­ons to state revenue levied by government (5)

76 Not intended seriously (2,3)

77 Mark of an old injury on

skin (4)

80 On a ___ with – equal to (3)

81 Deplete or drain (3)

 ??  ??

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