NZ Gardener


Small birds need access to high energy food to survive cold winter weather. Offer the birds in your garden tasty fresh coconut, then refill the feeder with bird cake.


YOU WILL NEED • coconut • drill and bits • glass or jug • hand saw • hook, wire, nylon cord or similar • lard • food scraps • bird seed • fruit

 ??  ?? DRILL HOLES through two of the germinatio­n pores or ‘eyes’ of the coconut. One is often softer than the others. Invert over a glass to drain out the milk. Reserve milk to drink or use in cooking.
CUT AGAIN on the other side to make a basket-shaped...
DRILL HOLES through two of the germinatio­n pores or ‘eyes’ of the coconut. One is often softer than the others. Invert over a glass to drain out the milk. Reserve milk to drink or use in cooking. CUT AGAIN on the other side to make a basket-shaped...

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