NZ Life & Leisure

A meal at a time


Another example would be to adopt a “zig and zag” approach. A zig meal is made up of nutrient-dense foods, real foods and no alcohol. While for a zag meal, the focus is more about the company you are in, being playful and relaxing. Zags are part of a healthy and sustainabl­e lifestyle and might occur once or twice a week. If you eat 21 times a week, one to two zags is a small percentage of poorer quality food. It can also be helpful to look at the overall dietary principles that serve most of us – these include eating plenty of vegetables, a little fruit, small amounts of lean animal protein (if desired) or plant protein and minimizing (or omitting) consumptio­n of refined carbohydra­tes and sugars. While there are certainly conflictin­g opinions on the best way to nourish yourself, there is unanimous agreement that we can all benefit by eating more – and a greater variety of – vegetables.

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