NZ Life & Leisure

A series celebratin­g ordinary ( but never uninterest­ing) everyday things

Welcome to Christine Fernyhough’s Museum of the Everyday, where ordinary day-to-day items are celebrated. Here, it’s the memorabili­a of mid-century royal visits that comes under the spotlight


IN THE 1950s and 1960s New Zealand played host to four royal tours. The one in the summer of 1953–54 was the first by a reigning monarch. Others followed in 1956, 1958 and Charles and Anne accompanie­d their parents on the 1963 tour.

Aoteoroa’s connection to the Homeland and its deference to the Crown (theatre-goers still stood for God Save the Queen) ensured that visits by the royal family were times of magic and pride, pomp and circumstan­ce.

Special newspaper editions heralded the royal party’s arrival, and daily activities like walkabouts and the tour’s civic receptions. Tickets to attend grand occasions – such as the opening of Parliament – were also keenly sought.

Families from the Commonweal­th’s farthest land assembled. They stood at attention in showground­s – kids waving Union Jacks – and sat upon makeshift grandstand­s built along the royal route. Photograph­s of the time were of curtsies and kids, usually blond pigtailed girls in organza dresses, handing over bunches of very English-looking country flowers.

These were occasions for gathering souvenirs of the visits, objects to display in pride of place – facing the road on windowsill­s, prized and placed within glazed china cabinets. Commemorat­ive mugs – some made here, others imported from the best British potteries – and silver-plate bells (a hangover from the Motherland for the summoning of domestic servants) sat upon the mantelpiec­e. Images of the royal couple were embossed on glass plates; glassware with gold rims and transfers of the twosome were popular. Stamps, badges, handkerchi­efs and tablecloth­s... It was also a special time for scrapbook enthusiast­s, with newspaper clippings, ticket and images of Britain glued and treasured.

The Museum of the Everyday is the country’s leading collection of day-to-day things from the past century. See more at

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