NZ Lifestyle Block

Ferment yourur way to good health!lth!


Numerous studies have shown the beneficial al health effects of fermentedd food, especially fermentedd vegetables such as sauerkraut or kimchi.hi. Fermenting vegetables bles is a tasty way to preserve serve while locking in all of the healthy enzymes s and probiotics.

Now you can create your own nutritious sauerkraut,ut kimchi and other fermented vegetables at home with the Mad Millie Fermenting Crock. This petite 3-litre Fermenting Crock fits up to two medium-sized cabbages and makes two 1-litre jars full of sauerkraut or kimchi in as little as three weeks.

The perfect Christmas gift to get you and your family off to a healthy new year!

RRP $120 available online or through Mad Millie stockists. Get 15% off when buying online, simply enter the promo code LIFESTYLE at the checkout:

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