NZ Lifestyle Block

Gorse why is a great plant to add to your pantry


A SURPRISING­LY WONDERFUL survival food to keep in mind is the much-despised gorse. Gorse is sadly invading many areas of New Zealand but it also means, depending on your particular survival situation, you may just be able to find it within your reach.

The well-known bright yellow flowers are quite edible and are simply eaten raw or steeped into a tea, tasting somewhat like almonds. Although slightly toxic due to alkaloids, the small level of toxicity is not something to be concerned about in a survival situation. Neither the seeds nor pods are edible.

Another interestin­g note about gorse flowers is that Bach practition­ers often prescribe their essence for individual­s who have given up hope, those that have lost motivation. This negative state is something that you want to avoid in a survival situation, so a tea from the bright little yellow flowers wouldn’t go astray.

This invasive and obnoxious weed also serves a purpose in the reestablis­hment of native forest. In places of abandoned land, nitrogen-fixing gorse has been found to be a useful nursery for native bush regenerati­on. The newly-growing native seedlings grow through the gorse; as they get bigger they compete for the light, nourishmen­t and water, slowly killing off the gorse.

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