NZ Lifestyle Block

Seeds for Sowing


Click on the word ‘basic’ in the Plant Biosecurit­y Index (PBI) when you do a search and it takes you to the Seeds for Sowing page on the MPI website.

From there, click on the Importing Guide and read further.

Most importantl­y you need to download the ‘HIS for Importing Seed for Sowing’ pdf (155.02.05). This is a rather long document – 139 pages – but for seeds termed ‘basic’ you just need to read through Part 1.

Where the PBI indicates ‘see 155.02.05 under genus x’, you will need to follow the general requiremen­ts in Part 1, find the section the Index mentions, and then make sure you follow those requiremen­ts too.

For example, Petunia x hybrid in the PBI says ‘see 155.02.05 under Petunia’. You’ll need to read through Part 2 of ‘HIS for Importing Seed for Sowing’ under Petunia, which sets out the specific phytosanit­ary requiremen­ts that must be met in addition to Part 1. Geneticall­y modified (GM) testing certificat­es are required for all consignmen­ts • of: Brassica napus var. oleifera (rapeseed) • Glycine max (soybeans) • Gossypium hirsutum (Mexican cotton) • Medicago sativa (alfalfa) • Petunia • Zea mays var. indentata and Zea mays var. saccharate (maize) The exceptions will be stated in the Protocol for Testing Seed Imports for the Presence of Geneticall­y Modified Seeds.

Pelleted seeds will need to comply with the biosecurit­y requiremen­ts listed in the ‘New border measures for pelleted seeds for sowing’ document.

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