Otago Daily Times

Miner’s strike causes gas shortage


AUCKLAND: With no gas or tram service Auckland is now in a somewhat sorry plight. The citizens are taking matters as philosophi­cally as possible, but the inconvenie­nce resulting from the absence of gas is increasing daily. A serious disorganis­ation of industry and consequent unemployme­nt for many workers has been occasioned by the stoppage of the gas supply. One large boot factory was forced to dispense with the services of all its male hands on Friday because essential machinery could not be heated. The

girls will be kept on for a while machining uppers by electrical­lydriven sewing machines. Another large firm has a fair reserve of coke to drive its suction gas plant, but is unable to find a suitable heating medium for melting wax for stitching and heating the machines. The men will be kept on for a few days, pending satisfacto­ry heating arrangemen­ts being installed, but if no good system can be devised the factory will close. Steam laundries which have their own steam plant seem to have sufficient fuel to generate power for about a week, but are experienci­ng great difficulty in finishing shirts and collars without the gasheated machines. Several biscuit and confection­ery factories have closed down owing to lack of coke, about 50 tons of which is used a month to keep the furnaces at the high temperatur­es required for the work. One factory paid off 30 hands on Friday evening, while another one has dispensed with the services of all except married

men, who are engaged in all sorts of jobs, from cleaning and overhaulin­g machinery, to making new benches and cleaning. Though a number of the leading restaurant­s are not entirely dependent on gas for cooking, many cheerless dinners are being served in the city. Cold meat without potatoes, cold sweets and halfcold tea are the best meal hundreds can obtain. In private houses all sorts of makeshifts have been improvised. A common one is a kerosene tin with a few holes punched in it and a bar run through the sides to carry the pot or kettle.

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