Otago Daily Times

Action needed on pearifles


into the harbour. The problem of how to keep the foreshore of the harbour clear of dead and decaying animals is said to be associated with difficulti­es not yet solved.

An endeavour is being made to relieve the worry which the pearifle nuisance inflicts on the women and children who enjoy the summer sunshine at seaside cribs. At some weekend resorts in the vicinity of Otago Harbour the pearifle nuisance is said to have developed into a real danger last summer owing to the incessant hunt for rabbits because of the high price then ruling for their skins. As the price for rabbit skins has now come down, the pearifle nuisance may this season be correspond­ingly reduced, but steps are being taken beforehand, it is said, to seek what little provision the law makes for the protection of man and beast against the careless depredatio­ns of the irresponsi­ble

users of pearifles, particular­ly in the vicinity of some weekend resorts.

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