Otago Daily Times

Agricultur­al release of N20 tracked


LONDON: The rising use of nitrogenba­sed fertiliser­s is driving up global emissions of nitrous oxide, a lesserknow­n greenhouse gas, complicati­ng efforts to limit climate change, scientists report.

Most of the focus in curbing climatewar­ming gas emissions has focused on the most abundant, CO2, and one of the most potent, methane.

But nitrous oxide (N20), has received less attention as a longlastin­g warming agent.

‘‘There’s much less policy attention on nitrous oxide, and not so many mitigation options, so the emissions just continue sailing on upwards,’’ study coauthor Glen Peters, a climate scientist at the Oslobased CICERO Centre for Internatio­nal Climate Research, said.

The fiveyear study, published in the journal Nature found that from 1980 to 2016, N20 emissions from agricultur­e rose annually by 1.4% on average. — Reuters

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