Otago Daily Times

To the point


THE Labour Party aims to have a smokefree New Zealand by 2025. I am confused. How does this align to their covert support of reformed cannabis legislatio­n? Shouldn’t we be discouragi­ng both?

L. Rendall

Andersons Bay

I WENT for a walk along Tyne St and I couldn’t believe what an OSH problem the footpaths are in. Due to the uneven surfaces, I would like it if the Dunedin City Council could look into the problem. The previous day, I had walked along the Maori Hill streets and couldn’t believe the better standard there.

Alan Chisholm


THANK you for the election special issue today (ODT, 19.10.20). Splendid cartoon, and varied, wellinform­ed analyses. In the absence from Parliament of Winston Peters, fuller discussion of the external affairs portfolio was needed.

John Hale

Maori Hill

IT’S a pity the TV1 presenters forgot that the South Island also voted at this year’s election.

Mike Smith

Leith Valley

UNIVERSITY of Otago leaders must have egg on their faces after criticisin­g the Critic for ‘‘meanspirit­ed’’ reporting, now it has won nine awards.

Brian Andrews

St Kilda

NO backstabbe­rs being allowed in National Party — gives new meaning to a Shadow Cabinet.

Marian Poole

Deborah Bay

THANK you for printing a complete list of all electorate­s, candidates and the votes they obtained — something which other New Zealand newspapers seemed unwilling, or unable, to do.

Peter Spiller

Christchur­ch ‘‘To the point’’ letters on brief, topical comments may be exempt from our normal publicatio­n guidelines, particular­ly the 14 days between letters rule. Email address: odt.editor@odt.co.nz

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