Otago Daily Times

More state control does not mean better economy


JOHN Highton (Opinion, 20.10.20) quotes me as saying that many farmers and small businesses do not pay tax.

What I actually said (Opinion, 25.9.20) was ‘‘farmers and small businesses do not, as a rule, make large or even any profit annually,’’ which is vastly different to his inaccurate allegation.

May I point out to your correspond­ent that all voters pay tax, whether on income or through GST.

Dr Highton needs to explain why it is so wrong to grow a business, with little reward during your working life, in the hope of building a capital sum to retire on.

He suggests widening the tax base. Would that be akin to saying, a new GST?

Few would disagree with the need to constantly reassess our economic paradigms to better suit our everchangi­ng world, but all I seem to read from Dr Highton and Simon Noble (Opinion, 5.10.20) is the need to reinvent socialism, or possibly even communism.

I further note Dr Highton’s comment that we need to revolution­ise our production and distributi­on along with what he describes as a broken financial system — all of which bears an uncanny resemblanc­e to the preferred world of Carl Marx, Joseph Stalin and, more latterly, Robert Mugabe, which is state control of the means of production, distributi­on, consumptio­n and exchange.

The socalled ‘‘trickle down’’ economic theory is often quoted by the Left to denigrate the existing tax system. I can only quote the brilliant economist Thomas Sowell, that no such theory has ever been found in even the most voluminous and learned history of economic theories.

I would certainly appreciate being shown examples of more and more state control leading to successful economies anywhere in the world and how such economies thrive under a high tax and low productivi­ty regime. Gerrard Eckhoff

Alexandra ....................................

BIBLE READING: Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlastin­g rock. — Isaiah 26.4.

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