South Waikato News

Farm’s applicatio­n hits opposition


An applicatio­n to renew and extend a dairy effluent discharge permit at a dairy farm in the Waituna catchment has raised the ire of the Department of Conservati­on and Fish and Game Southland.

Marshall Road Farm Trustee Ltd has applied to renew permits to take 90,000 litres of groundwate­r a day, and to discharge dairy shed effluent from up to 750 cows to land at a Marshall Rd, Mokotua, site.

The applicatio­n was to go before an Environmen­t Southland hearing panel on Monday.

The only proposed change to the existing operation is an increase in the effluent discharge area from 50.5 hectares to 109 hectares. However, because it is in the sensitive Waituna area, extra precaution­s must be considered.

In addition, compliance monitoring results show effluent discharge to land has adversely affected surface water on two monitoring occasions.

Both DOC and Fish and Game New Zealand submitted against the applicatio­n, which was publicly notified earlier this year, and requested it be declined.

A pre-hearing report prepared by Environmen­t Southland says the main issues are related to the unknown effect of the effluent discharge on water quality, limited surface water monitoring to date and the identifica­tion of tile or subsurface drainage.

Since Marshall Road Farm Trustee took ownership of the property, three inspection­s have discovered noncomplia­nce with the discharge permit caused by effluent ponding, the report says. An incident in 2012 discovered effluent being discharged to water and effluent ponding, which is significan­t non-compliance.

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