South Waikato News


- Brian Smout, Tokoroa

I feel compelled to comment on the stand taken by John Ten Velde the manager of Noel Leeming (in the April 13 edition).

I have known John for 40 years, next door neighbours in the 70’s, and respect him very much. I also love Noel Leeming. However, I think John is totally wrong in assuming that the number of car parks in Leith Place is related to future trade in his shop, and will force people to shop in Rotorua.

Speaking as a long time customer of all shops in Leith Place I can assure John that if I do not find a parking place by his shop I simply drive round the corner to Bridge St or Logan St until I find one.

I still go to his shop, the idea of driving to Rotorua because I can’t find a car park is simply silly and will not happen.

The same logic applies to Paper Plus and all other shops in Leith Place.

I believe that most people buying from Noel Leeming are locals, passing traffic will be looking for food and a chance to get the kids out of the car, not TV’S or fridges.

These are the people we must attract into the town, the locals are already here and will continue to shop here even with fewer car parks.

Remember John it is great staff and value for money that attracts and keeps customers not car parks outside the door.

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