Sunday Star-Times

Why David Jones chose Wellington


Many people were surprised when David Jones chose the capital over the country’s biggest population centre, Auckland, to be its first New Zealand location.

Speculatio­n is still high that is only a matter of time before David Jones heads north, but the retailer has consistent­ly said it’s in the Capital largely because the chance to replace Kirkcaldie & Stains was an opportunit­y it couldn’t pass up. Here are some of the reasons why: The site. Part of the attraction is the beautiful heritage Kirks frontage, fitting David Jones’ image as an aspiration­al brand.

Less competitio­n: David Jones sees the capital as a place it can shine, There are plenty of competitor­s in Auckland. In Wellington, it will be the place to be seen.

A fighting chance. As a one-store company, Kirks struggled. David Jones is better resourced, with a string of stores in Australia and the backing of well-heeled South African retailer Woolworths Holdings.

Growing tourist trade: Wellington has a growing cruise business and a good chance of snagging a greater share of the internatio­nal tourist boom.

Existing loyalty: Kirks commanded legions of loyal customers and David Jones is taking pains to preserve its traditions, from the doorman to the cafe.

Uniqueness: in a street which features ubiquitous brands, David Jones is unique in New Zealand. Plus, bosses were wowed by the site’s centrality within the city and the charm of nearby Midland Park. However, David Jones is not immune to the battles most retailers are fighting. As a bigger retailer, time will tell whether Wellington’s smaller catchment is enough to sustain a store of its prowess.

 ??  ?? Neville Wellbourn will be the new store’s doorman.
Neville Wellbourn will be the new store’s doorman.

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