The Post

Chinese Garden


It has been sad to see the associatio­n of the local Chinese community with Wellington City Council’s much-derided choice of the unsuitable Frank Kitts Park for a Chinese Garden.

I am therefore pleased that mayor Justin Lester is now bringing an end to this cause for embarrassm­ent (Chinese Garden wilting on capital’s priority list, February 18).

It is also noteworthy that deputy mayor Paul Eagle wants see what the Environmen­t Court decides on the matter since this seems necessary before the council begins to make planned improvemen­ts to the playground at Frank Kitts Park.

His active support for the formal request which has been made for the court to set an early date for a hearing will be much appreciate­d.

It is over to the likes of councillor Andy Foster, who says that it would be a ‘‘terrible look for the city if we pulled out now’’, to promote a suitable alternativ­e location for a Chinese Garden. I can recall half-a-dozen which have been suggested in letters to this newspaper. In the meantime I am certain that Wellington­ians will continue to be most appreciati­ve of the untiring work of Waterfront Watch on their behalf. MiCHAEL GIBSON Northland

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