The Post

Economic paradigm


With the recent New Zealand petroleum conference bringing up discussion­s on the complexity of when and how to reduce fossil fuel use, I thought the subject could use some simplifica­tion.

The discussion around the complexiti­es of adapting to climate change ignores some uncomplica­ted fundamenta­ls. Simple measured fact and maths shows us we have to leave all remaining carbon in the ground and still pursue carbon sequestrat­ion to have a reasonable shot at keeping civilisati­on viable. But current technologi­es of sequestrat­ion are woefully inadequate.

So any discussion­s around the economics and fossil fuel weaning-off periods, complex though they are, seem like shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic.

We need discussion­s on how to live without our current economic paradigm, which is the prime driver to excessive consuming. Possibly we need to go back to an agrarian, bartering, localised society. THOMAS DAVIES Island Bay

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