The Leader Nelson edition



This week is


Volunteer week. I volunteer my advice a lot but surprising­ly it’s never that well received

But when you stop and think about how freely people give of their time for no reward – or even recognitio­n – it’s incredibly humbling.

Leader reporter Carly Gooch took it upon herself to walk in those shoes and spent time helping out at the oncology ward recently. She got amongst people at their lowest ebb physically, in need of a bit of help.

More than anything, they needed someone to chat to so the long and unpleasant business of undergoing chemothera­py could pass just that tiny bit quicker and seem that little bit less unpleasant.

Carly found this inspiring – and I’ve got to say I did as well.

There are dozens of different ways to volunteer and make a difference. You won’t always get thanks, but you can guarantee someone will be thankful.

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