The New Zealand Herald

Who’ll pay the price of growth?

Targeted rates and user-pays among ideas for urban planning

- Brian Fallow

Councils should use targeted rates to help fund investment in local infrastruc­ture, wherever the benefits generated can be well defined, the Productivi­ty Commission says.

It also favours greater use of userpays mechanisms like toll roads and charging for water, to supplement developmen­t contributi­ons in the funding of infrastruc­ture needed to deal with supply-side constraint­s in fast-growing cities like Auckland.

These are among 23 recommenda­tions in a draft report, Better Urban Planning, on which the commission is seeking submission­s.

Targeted rates, for which there is already statutory provision, would help ensure that those who benefit from new infrastruc­ture contribute to the cost, rather than having it socialised through general rates.

The commission sees targeted rates as a way of filling funding gaps arising from restrictio­ns on the developmen­t contributi­ons which developers pay and which get frontloade­d into the purchase price when they sell properties.

It is a way of capturing some of the spillover gains flowing to people or businesses outside the developmen­t area.

Defining that larger area would be tricky and contentiou­s in practice, but it is hard to quarrel with principle of beneficiar­y pays.

“A future planning system should enable councils to levy targeted rates on the basis of changes in land value where this occurs as the result of public action, for example installati­on of new infrastruc­ture or upzoning,” it says. Land bankers, beware. The commission is inclined to accept the argument councils run that “growth does not pay for growth.” In other words, the eventual increase in the rating base is not enough to cover the cost local authoritie­s face in enabling that growth.

One question on which it seeks feedback is whether alternativ­e funding systems for local authoritie­s, such as local taxes, would improve their ability to provide infrastruc­ture to accommodat­e growth. The New Zealand Initiative will no doubt have plenty to say about that.

The commission’s brief in this inquiry is wide ranging: to review the urban planning system and identify from first principles the most way to allocate land use.

The review has been commission­ed by a Government which is fond of scapegoati­ng planners for the social carnage which is the Auckland housing market, and which is struggling to get reforms to the Resource Management Act through Parliament.

The commission has concluded that existing planning legislatio­n lacks clarity and focus. Broad and ambiguous language in both the RMA and the Local Government Act has led to regulatory over-reach in urban areas on the one hand, but also a lack of stringency in the regulation of the natural environmen­t on the other, it says.

The national interest is underrepre­sented in planning decisions — including the interest in avoiding runaway land and house price inflation — while narrow local interests prevail too easily. Nimby 1, New Zealand nil.

The commission says the legislatio­n governing urban planning should make it clear that the primary purposes of the planning system are to enable developmen­t and changes in land use; to ensure there is enough developmen­t capacity (land plus infrastruc­ture) to meet demand, and to promote the easy movement of people and goods to and through cities.

Unsurprisi­ngly for a bunch of economists, the commission emphasises the usefulness of price signals, not just to users of roads and water, but to planning authoritie­s themselves.

When price separation along a rural-urban boundary, for example, exceeds some threshold, that should trigger action to increase land supply for developmen­t.

“Where price differenti­als between land zoned for developmen­t and nondevelop­able land at the fringe of cities exceed thresholds set by central government, local authoritie­s will be obliged to provide more developmen­t capacity, either through “upzoning” within establishe­d areas or through rezoning and servicing new greenfield­s land,” it says, echoing a recommenda­tion from its report last year, Using Land for Housing.

“Ensuring that the commitment to bring land price inflation under control is credible, and to act where the land price threshold is exceeded, will require the Crown to have the powers and capacity to ensure land is rezoned and serviced if necessary.” The commission considers the current planning system slow to adapt to changing circumstan­ces and risk averse. Processes for updating land use rules are slow and uncertain, and regulation overly prescripti­ve.

It recommends making independen­t hearings panels, like the one which has just delivered Auckland’s Unitary Plan, a permanent feature of the system.

And it would narrow rights to appeal planning decisions, especially by those not directly affected.

Some of the report’s most trenchant criticism is directed at the planning profession itself.

The commission detects a tendency to see urban design as a means of shaping a better society or of achieving other goals, like climate change mitigation, which should be left to other areas of public policy or to public preference­s as expressed through markets.

At the same time, a myopic preoccupat­ion with process and procedure can see desired social outcomes slip out of focus.

Many councils, the commission says, have capability gaps in areas such as economic and environmen­tal science which hinder their ability to examine rigorously the costs and benefits of alternativ­e policy options and planning proposals.

So overall, the commission argues for an urban planning system which replaces a bias in favour of the status quo with the clear priority of enabling developmen­t and ease of movement within cities.

It calls for a greater use of pricing mechanisms rather than command and control regulation.

It favours measures for funding infrastruc­ture which reduce crosssubsi­dies from the wider community and which supplement front-loaded costs (developmen­t contributi­ons) with ongoing finance from user-pays and targeted rates.

And it favours a greater role for central government, both to reduce the capture of decision-making by local vested interests and to reflect genuine national interest in having well-functionin­g cities that people can afford to live in.

The national interest is under-represente­d in planning decisions . . . while narrow local interests prevail too easily. Nimby 1, New Zealand nil.

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