The New Zealand Herald

Women want Mars bar, men Venus

- — Daily Mail

At times of stress in a marriage, women are likely to head to the kitchen and men to the bedroom, according to researcher­s.

Psychologi­sts have found the two sexes cope very differentl­y during hard times, with women raiding the biscuit tin until they feel better, but men more likely to have sex or watch pornograph­y.

The research also suggests that men want a quick fix from therapy, while women prefer to talk about their feelings and the past. Dr John Barry, from University College London, who worked on the study, said: “For men, having sex is probably about dissociati­ng from whatever troubles they are having at that particular time – it is escapism. “There are endorphins released during sex, so it provides a pleasurabl­e feeling, which can act as a type of medication.” Louise Liddon, from Northumbri­a University, added: “Studies show a need to seek out fatty and sweet foods, which are related to the stress hormone cortisol, but we don’t quite know why women do this more often.”

The researcher­s surveyed 115 men and 250 women on the strategies they use to cope, with 27 per cent of men choosing sex and pornograph­y, compared to only 11 per cent of women. While more than half of women said they comfort eat, fewer than a third of men ticked this box.

A second team asked 20 therapists for gender difference­s in people seeking help for their problems.

They reported that while women wanted to spend time discussing their feelings, men wanted a quick solution to get on with their lives.

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