The New Zealand Herald

Paying for results


Linking teachers’ pay to performanc­e is not worth considerin­g. Everywhere this “reign of error” has been practised, a negative, destructiv­e psychologi­cal environmen­t has been produced in which profession­alism, collaborat­ion and care suffer, and damage is done for the children for whom school is a special and safe sanctuary.

Should teachers be made accountabl­e for the problems of deserving children who, through accident of birth, have learning difficulti­es, for classroom distress from fractured relationsh­ips, for the disenfranc­hised, or for the results in children of social and cultural exclusions resulting from deeply integrated historical systems of inequality outside their control?

Thinking New Zealanders with heart would reject performanc­e pay for teachers as part of broader cultural and imaginativ­e failure, for we do not want this creeping spiritual paralysis.

Dr Janet E. Mansfield, Mount Eden.

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