The New Zealand Herald

Monday makeover ice cream

Take a break from higher-sugar icecreams with frozen yoghurt dessert Megan May’s


As a nation we eat around 23 litres of icecream each a year, which is rather a lot considerin­g the amount of refined sugar most icecream contains. I thought I would share a recipe for a no-added sweetener frozen dessert that may help balance things out. It is delicious and takes only seconds to whip up.

Here I’m using antioxidan­t-rich blueberrie­s as the main flavour, blended with banana for sweetness and coconut yoghurt for creaminess, I also added a little touch of spirulina to enhance the colour and bump up the nutritiona­l content; the spirulina is optional so just leave it out if that’s not your thing.

Once you start making your own wholefoods icecreams you will realise there are endless possibilit­ies for the different ingredient­s you can use. It’s pretty amazing what you can create with a few pieces of frozen fruit and a high- speed blender.

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