The Press

Crass and vulgar


How crass, how vulgar, and how ‘‘trumpian’’ , the front-page illustrati­on of the proposed hotel on Worcester Boulevard, crouching as it does above that brave little brick (Georgian?) Worcester Chambers.

I do not necessaril­y always agree with heritage advocate Ross Gray but I do have huge admiration for his sincerity, his persistenc­e and the persuasive arguments which he and his cohort have deployed to achieve outcomes later generation­s are going to thank him for.

And how patronisin­g and demeaning of the wealthy Gough family to dismiss Gray and his supporters as the ‘‘antibrigad­e’’; I suppose they also label conservati­onists as ‘‘greenies’’ or ‘‘tree-huggers’’. How wonderfull­y out of touch with the zeitgeist.

Anton Coberger, Christchur­ch neighbours intriguing and energetic (will it be the best in New Zealand?).

The library will be part of our new routine to while away an hour or two. Naysayers will no doubt find the next thing to grizzle about . . . maybe about how consumers’ improved physical and psychologi­cal health, and cheerfulne­ss, irritate their fixed view of our very small corner of the world. Tazmin Marriott, Cashmere

CECC’s immoral version of freedom, productivi­ty and growth only extends to the big end of town. Vulnerable working people and their children are dehumanise­d as either economic units of skilled labour or demonised as unskilled welfare statistics. David Marra, Linwood

 ??  ?? A concept plan for a hotel incorporat­ing the little brick Worcester Chambers, described by a letter writer as ‘‘trumpian’’.
A concept plan for a hotel incorporat­ing the little brick Worcester Chambers, described by a letter writer as ‘‘trumpian’’.

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