The Press

Support for job hunter


Sandra Smith has received a flurry of job offers and recruitmen­t support after expressing her disappoint­ment at not being able to find work in the aged and disabled care sector. ‘‘It has restored my faith in howKiwis go through life,’’ Smith said yesterday. About three months ago Smith, 58, returned home to Christchur­ch seeking refuge from the coronaviru­s pandemic, after having lived and worked in Australia for the past 13 years. Since then, she has applied for about 20 jobs in the aged and disabled care sector, a field she is passionate about and has experience in. But she had not been able to secure an interview, let alone a job. To add insult to injury, she saw a Stuff report that showed migrant workers had been given essential skills work visas for the same kind of roles she had been applying for. The Aged Care Associatio­n said in early April the sector got dispensati­on from the Government for migrant workers to be granted a 12-month extension to their essential skills work visas. Yesterday Smith received three job offers, two offers to refine her CV and improve her job hunting processes, and an offer to match her with prospectiv­e employers. ‘‘My intentionw­as to put a light on the plight of everyone that is inmy position.’’

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