The Southland Times

‘Disappoint­ed, embarrasse­d’ NZ Post in damage control

- Brooke Gardiner

New Zealand Post is in major damage control mode after admitting staff could have acted sooner to resolve hundreds of complaints of missing mail in the Queenstown area.

Senior NZ Post staff flew into Queenstown yesterday morning to meet and apologise to some of those affected by the unpreceden­ted mail theft that left thousands of customers without mail, some for as long as 18 months.

NZ Post national heartland leader Dean Horsup admitted internal systems had failed and said staff did not pick up on signals that something was amiss.

‘‘We’re disappoint­ed, naturally, and a little bit embarrasse­d about it,’’ Mr Horsup said.

‘‘Once the posties walk out the door, we rely on a lot of trust. Looking back, there’s certainly some signals there some people [NZ Post staff] should have actually picked up on.’’

A customer service centre that collates complaints to build a pro- file of each delivery area indicated there was a problem in Fernhill a ‘‘fair while ago’’ but those responsibl­e for taking the matter further had failed to do so until two weeks ago, Mr Horsup said.

‘‘Those folks that should have picked up on those signals . . . didn’t actually perhaps fulfil what they should have done.

‘‘It got to the stage where there was obviously something wrong if it was not obvious before.’’

On Friday, police sifting through the recovered mail items had counted more than 17,600 letters and parcels dating back to May 2011. There was still more to count.

Residents of Fernhill, Sunshine Bay, Arrowtown and Lakes Hayes were all known to be affected by the large-scale theft.

The 32-year-old female postie, who was arrested on November 9, also worked on other routes in the Queenstown area but NZ Post refused to identify where or when.

NZ Post communicat­ions manager Michael Tull said the postie worked on the Fernhill route 90 per cent of the time and he confirmed she had been responsibl­e for the Arrowtown area for a month and had also covered at Lake Hayes in May last year.

‘‘From my understand­ing, there may have been other runs this postie may have been on in the area,’’ Mr Tull said.

‘‘Clearly we were caught off guard by it . . . the unpreceden­ted nature of it is something that makes this such a learning experience for us, too.’’

The postie, who has been granted interim name suppressio­n, is due to appear in Queenstown District Court on December 3.

NZ Post encouraged anyone who believed they were disadvanta­ged by the mail theft to contact 0800 501 501 to lodge an official complaint.

 ??  ?? Dean Horsup
Dean Horsup
 ??  ?? Michael Tull
Michael Tull

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