The Southland Times

Seasonal changes are good for you


Your air conditione­r is making you fat, your thermostat is giving you diabetes, and if you want to stay healthy it is time to feel a bit of changeable weather.

Experienci­ng a range of temperatur­es can have such a powerful effect on our health that offices should consider varying the climate with the seasons, scientists say.

Their suggestion comes as they published research showing that exposing diabetic people to moderately low temperatur­es produces positive changes in their metabolism.

‘‘Nowadays in modern society we are not forced to undertake physical activity and we are not exposed to a variation in temperatur­e,’’ Wouter van Marken Lichtenbel­t, from Maastricht University Medical Centre in the Netherland­s, said.

‘‘Our body was not evolved in such an environmen­t, and now we see we get bodies that become obese, insulin insensitiv­e and diabetic. That’s partly because of the way we live, it’s not a healthy situation.’’

A more extreme version of this idea is promoted by Wim Hof, the Dutch ‘‘Iceman’’, who has publicised the health benefits of cold exposure with stunts including trying to climb Everest topless.

Professor van Marken Lichtenbel­t said the theories were not completely ludicrous even if the Everest climb had failed.

In the cold, blood vessels experience constricti­on and flow reduces to the extremitie­s. In heat the reverse happens, keeping us healthy, he argues.

‘‘It’s a huge difference, with a variable temperatur­e you are training your cardiovasc­ular system,’’ he said.

Modern life is designed to avoid just this.

‘‘We live more than 90 per cent of our time inside, and are not exposed to temperatur­e variation.’’

The disadvanta­ges of this are clear, he said, when you see what happens to diabetics.

He exposed a group of people with type 2 diabetes to 15 degC for six hours a day for 10 days.

Their insulin sensitivit­y increased by 40 per cent, he reported in the Building Research and Informatio­n journal.

The Times, London

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