Waikato Times

Population control


It is interestin­g that the Green’s never talk about how many people inhabit our planet and it’s capacity to sustain them.

Many scientists think that the Earth’s maximum carrying capacity, based on the Earth’s available resources, is between 9 and 10 billion.

One does not have to be genus to recognise that the Earth must have a limit to how many people can survive here, commonsens­e, will prevail.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of human Needs (1943) identifies our most basic human needs are, water, food, shelter and security. In my view, water is the most important and vulnerable resource. threatened by the population explosion.

Two hundred years ago there were less than one billion people living on Earth.

Between 1900 and 2000, the world population increased from 1.5 to 6.1 billion. Currently the earth’s population is 7.2 billion, What does that tell us?

What do you think will hit us first, climate change or overpopula­tion, or is Nature going to run its course and solve both problems?

Brian Main Hamilton

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