Waikato Times



The editorial of June 26 was a timely reminder that it is just common courtesy to pronounce Maori place names correctly. Three examples that immediatel­y come to mind are firstly ‘‘Piopio’’ which has become ‘‘Pewpew’’ rather than ‘‘Pior-pior’’. The second is the small South Island town of

Ngakawa (The Shags) which the locals pronounce something like ‘‘Knocker-war’’. The third is the parrot, the Kea, invariably mispronoun­ced ‘‘Kee-a’’, certainly not ‘‘Kay-a’’.

Mispronunc­iation is not restricted to Maori words however. A common solecism is the French artist Degas’ name which invariably comes out ‘‘Day-gar’’ from English speakers, even though there is no acute accent on the ‘e’ and should be nearer to ‘‘Dergar’’.

Frank Bailey, Hamilton

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