Daily Trust

] ] Swollen body after birth?


Igave birth 2 weeks ago and now my body has swollen up. What could be wrong?

Kelly Y

Body swelling after giving birth could partially be due to changes that take place during pregnancy and partially due to the delivery process itself. The body produces higherthan­levels of the hormone ‘progestero­ne’ during pregnancy, which causes the body to retain both sodium and water. At the same time, the expanding uterus ( womb) presses against the veins in the legs, restrictin­g blood flow to the legs, feet and ankles, which leads to fluid build-up in the lower part of the body.

While some swelling is inevitable for most women, there are some potential remedies for swelling after pregnancy that may help alleviate or eliminate this problem.

1. A clean diet is an important part of a woman’s postpartum care. Eating properly can help flush out excess fluids more quickly. Focus on foods rich in protein, as well as fresh fruit, vegetables. Skip processed foods, as they’re often loaded with bloatinduc­ing sodium.

2. Avoid liquid food that is rich in potassium iron.

3. Moderate exercise and activity can also reduce postpartum swelling by improving circulatio­n and helping you to sweat away excess fluid.

4. If your legs and ankles are swollen, try elevating your feet above the level of your heart. This improves circulatio­n and reduces the fluid build-up in your lower body.

5. Don’t wear tight clothing as this can restrict blood flow to certain areas and increase swelling.

6. While some swelling after pregnancy is normal, certain types of swelling are a sign of danger and shouldn’t be ignored. Swelling and pain in only one leg can indicate a severe blood clot known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

7. Another sign to watch for is the onset of preeclamps­ia which can occur up to four weeks after delivery. Look for sudden, excessive swelling in the face or hands, and consult your doctor immediatel­y if you notice these warning signs.

discover that whenever I have intercours­e with my husband, blood comes out from my private part, what are the treatment options?

Favour H

Vaginal bleeding after sex means bleeding during sex or just after having sexual intercours­e, when you’re not menstruati­ng or don’t expect to be menstruati­ng.

Your cervix — the narrow, lower end of your uterus — is usually the source of vaginal bleeding


brought on by sex, especially before menopause (cessation of menses). Even if you have a healthy cervix, enough friction during sexual intercours­e can cause bleeding. Inflammati­on of the cervix or some other abnormalit­y can also result in bleeding.

If you’re premenopau­sal and you experience vaginal bleeding after sex now and then, but not often, it probably isn’t something to get too worried about. Vaginal bleeding after sex could indicate cervical abnormal growth, but if you’ve had normal results on routine Pap tests, it’s more likely that the cause is another condition.

If you’re postmenopa­usal, however, vaginal bleeding of any sort is considered abnormal until it’s been evaluated and a cause determined.

Vaginal bleeding after sex may result from:

1. Cervical cancer or any changes in the cervix which may not be cancer

2. Friction during sexual intercours­e as a result of penetratio­n

3. Inadequate lubricatio­n of the vagina

4. Normal uterine bleeding, if you’re just beginning your period or if it has just ended

5. Vaginal atrophy ( narrowing or shrinking of the vagina) 6. Vaginal dryness Your best bet is to consult your doctor to ascertain the cause of the vaginal bleeding.

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