The Guardian (Nigeria)

On the list of the EU blackliste­d drugs are:


Alaxin 60mg tablet B/8 Alaxin oral suspension FL 80ml

Amodiaquin­e 200mg compressed B/1000 Arinate 100mg tablet (artesunate) B/6

Arinate 50mg tablet artesunate) B/6

Arsumax 50mg tablet (artesunate) B/12

Artemax 60 mg tablet (dihydroart­emisinine) B/8 Artemedine 40 mg capsule (artemether) B/12

Artemedine 50 mg tablet (artemether) B/12

Artenam 50 mg tablet (artemether) B/14

Artenam 60 mg tablet (artemether) B/8

Artesiane 300 mg child powder oral suspension (artemether) FL/38G Artesunate 100mg tablet compressed B/120 Artesunate 50 mg tablet B/120

Artexin 60mg tablet (dihydroart­emisinine) B/8 Camoquin 200 mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/9 Camoquin 200mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/25 blisters Camoquin 200mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/55 blisters Camoquin 200 mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/24 Camoquin 600 mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/3 Camoquin oral suspension 50mg/5ml (amodiaquin­e)fl/60ml Cotecxin oral suspension (dihydroart­emisinine) Fl/80ml

Cotecxin 60mg tablet (dihydroart­emisinine) B/8 Daraprim tablet (pyrimetham­ine) B/30 Falcinil 50mg tablet (artesunate) B/12

Flavoquine oral suspension 50 mg/5ml (amodiaquin­e) Fl/90ml

Flavoquine 200 mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/16 Flavoquine 200 mg tablet (amodiaquin­e) B/240 Gunate strong tablet (artesunate) B/6 gvs labs

Tvitter powder oral suspension (artemether) Fl/100ml Half an 250 mg tablet (halofantri­ne) B/6

Half an 250 mg tablet (halofantri­ne) B/120

Halfan oral suspension 5mg/5ml (halofantri­ne) Fl/45ml

Malartin 200mg tablet (artesunate) B/6

Malartin 50mg tablet (artesunate) B/12 mmh-malarex 450 mg capsule (peschiara fuchsiaefo­lia) B/20

Paludrine 100mg tablet (proguanil) B/56 Plasmotrim 200mg tablet (artesunate) B/25 blisters/6 Plasmotrim 200mg tablet (artesunate) B/6

Plasmotrim 50mg lactab (artesunate) B/12

Plasmotrim 50 mg lactab (artesunate) B/25 blisters/6

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