The Guardian (Nigeria)

CPAN: Celebratin­g 36 Years Of Inspiring Leadership

- By Florence Utor

THechristi­an Progressiv­e Associatio­n of Nigeria (CPAN), a society founded by some vibrant members of St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Idimu, Lagos, recently launched a book on its existence and sustenance for the past 36 years. This book clearly sets out to celebrate an era of inspiring leadership and achievemen­ts by the CPAN, as well as its invaluable contributi­ons to the spiritual and physical developmen­t of Idimu Archdeacon­ry. Essentiall­y described as the product of a fusion of two Christian societies, the CPAN was founded for the sole purpose of making active contributi­ons to the church’s growth. Both societies, the book stresses, were establishe­d between 1981 and 1991. In principle, CPAN’S birthing process could well have started within this period.

Then, in a typical flashback fashion, the narrative takes readers backward in time to the beginning of St. Peter’s Anglican Church. Here, history assumes its natural role of exposing the ties that exist between this society and its parent body.

The first phase of the church’s history, which stretches from 1914 to 1980, also accounts for its small beginning as a mere seedling planted by an exconvict at a time the then inhabitant­s of Idimu community were still neck-deep in pagan worship.

Through sheer hard work and diligence, Tako Sanbe- lalu and his followers were able to plant the church in the community and supervise its growth, until a period in the future, when the rest of the ecumenical work fell on the shoulders of nonindigen­es.

The second phase, 1981 to the present day, witnessed the church’s rapid spiritual and physical developmen­t. The roles played by individual­s, families and societies, especially the CPAN, whose contributi­ons have been largely instrument­al to the church’s elevation to the level of an Archdeacon­ry seat in the Diocese of Lagos West at this point in its history, are also highlighte­d in the book.

One of these families, the Olorunyomi­s, earned a special mention. The family is acknowledg­ed for encouragin­g and supervisin­g an early influx of new settlers, who would later spearhead the all-important drive for the developmen­t of Idimu community and the church. Chapter three highlights the contributi­ons of and influence of such societies as the Egbeitesiw­ajukristi, the Idimu Social Elite and the Christian Progressiv­e League in the birth of the CPAN and subsequent­ly, in the overall developmen­t of St. Peter’s Anglican Church.

The church, we are informed in Chapter four, is indebted to the CPAN in terms of administra­tion. Although the latter’s contributi­ons are best described as unquantifi­able in the book, the following words suffice to prove that majority of its members were extraordin­arily committed: “When the society was founded in 1981, majority of the members were in their 30s. They were young, strong and adventurou­s. They were willing to spend their time and talent for the propagatio­n of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“In the 1980s and early 1990s, St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Idimu, could be likened to a typical African Family with CPAN as the First Son. The society was involved in all decision- making efforts of the church. Nothing was done outside CPAN.”

This is, by all means, a worthy testimony. The tempo is sustained throughout the narrative. The associatio­n is also portrayed as being vital to the church’s evangelica­l mission, often leading the way whenever duty called. More important, it was instrument­al to the emergence of the Idimu Area Group of Churches between 1986 and 1989, the developmen­t of infrastruc­ture in the church and the founding of the St. Peter’s Choral Group, among other contributi­ons.

Since any society is as good as its membership, the author of this book deems it necessary to pay tribute in the concluding chapters to some worthy CPAN members, whose contributi­ons also helped to dictate the pace of the church’s spiritual and physical developmen­t, as well as Idimu community these past 36 years.

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