

1. Having breakfast helps you eat fewer calories later in the day and maintain a healthy weight. A morning meal is a necessary fuel not only for your body but for the brain as well. Eating a healthy breakfast helps improve your concentrat­ion and productivi­ty.

2. Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, helping you burn calories throughout the day. It also gives you the energy you need to get things done and helps you focus at work or at school. Those are just a few reasons why it’s the most important meal of the day.

3. Many studies have linked eating breakfast to good health, including better memory and concentrat­ion, lower levels of “bad” LDL cholestero­l, and lower chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and being overweight.

4. But this much is clear: Skipping the morning meal can throw off your body’s rhythm of fasting and eating. When you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work their best is usually low. Breakfast helps replenish it.

If your body doesn’t get that fuel from food, you may feel zapped of energy , and you’ll be more likely to overeat later in the day.

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