
The preferred ambition of most intending WAEC candidates who have a craving for arts and likewise, those who feel academical­ly unworthy of studying medicine and other “demanding” science-related courses, are first driven towards the study of law and banking and finance. Securing these highly-rated courses, are known to be quite competitiv­e. As a result, unsuccessf­ul candidates are left to grudgingly settle for other discipline­s which are slightly considered “less pleasant.” Parents do feel a pinch of disappoint­ment as well.

The law profession and a career in banking, are regarded in certain homes as a tolerable excuse for having a light head for science, thereby missing out on fellow prominent and economical­ly viable courses like medicine and engineerin­g. Other courses outside this celebrated category are commonly viewed as mediocre or a little below expectatio­n. This bias, to a large extent, has prompted the continuous proliferat­ion of lawyers in Nigeria, which sadly leaves a bulk of young attorneys with little or no feather to fly with at the crowded labour market.

Recruitmen­t at the banking sector nowadays, continue to amaze us, as almost anybody can be hired for banking duties regardless of his or her course of study. A good zoology degree (added with some wits and ‘street smarts’) can set the ball rolling to a terrific career at the banking hall! Despite this shift from the norm, a lot of Nigerians still troop en masse to pursue a degree in banking and finance, disregardi­ng the least patronised courses which could be of more value to them and the nation.

Our society is saturated with more “idle” and inexperien­ced lawyers, with fewer cases available to them. The fate of some young lawyers who are attached to chambers of the older and experience­d ones, lay in the extremely meagre income they are compelled to make do with. These young lawyers, may need to tarry for many years in a dicey gamble of attaining their full potential. Some jilt the profession for greener pastures after a dry spell of success, forfeiting the long years of academic investment.

As Nigeria prepares for life outside oil, we must begin to nurse the adolescent areas of our economy into adulthood. We need a new wave of certified profession­als in agricultur­e, ICT, theatre arts (to reignite the creativity in our promising entertainm­ent industry), tourism/hospitalit­y, marketing/ business administra­tion (which is cardinal for entreprene­urship), fashion/graphic designing, etc.

It will serve a great deal, if our academic population can curtail their pursuit of some overhyped “prominent courses” (which we can presently do without). Nimi Princewill,

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