Oman Daily Observer

Duqm power demand projected to increase to 650 MW in 2025

FORECAST: Additional 80 MW diesel capacity to meet near-term demand growth


of the Oman Oil refinery, a reduction in the number of constructi­on workers for the refinery from 30,000 to 19,500 workers, a similar delay in commercial and light industry project constructi­on, and delayed demand realizatio­n from the port of Duqm based on the number of investors committed to date,” the procurer said.

Neverthele­ss, RAECO plans to add around 80 MW of additional capacity to its existing plant by 2018, effectivel­y bolstering to total generation capacity to 147 MW. This would be sufficient to meet demand in the emerging hub through 2022. Any spike in demand beyond this projection is proposed to be served by temporary rental generation, or a temporary capacity purchase deal

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